Abscissa is a program to make high-quality 2D-plots from data given in ascii table form. Data can be created and modified by means of a user defined formula. A least-square-fit routine helps to optimize the parameters of this formula in order to fit the given data best. It is made for scientists.
Main Features:
- ASCII data import and export
- fast reading and plotting
- plotting in many styles
- linear, logarithmic, and date axes
- text objects in the diagram
- x,y error bars
- 4 interpolation methods
- user entered functions f(x)
- flexible functions (parameters, user data, compiled C-code)
- parameter fitting using a Least-Squares Method
- fit of function with several independent coordinates (R^n->R)
- external programs can use Abscissa as plot front-end
- perl scripts can be recorded, played, and saved
- data editing in a spread sheet
- data sorting
- data statistics and correlation
for Mac OS X 10.3 to 10.6 use Abscissa 3.4.1
last update: Aug 30, 2020 by
R. Brühl ruediger.bruehl@ptb.de